Tuesday, February 5, 2008

fears about the election

I just read a headline that Willie Nelson fears we won't have a 2008 election. He is quoted as saying,

"It's a long time until election day and some sort of national crisis could put off the elections and we could have George in there ten years longer," Nelson told the Alex Jones Show today.

It is certainly one possibility, though unlikely. I don't think W. wants the job any longer, for one, and as the chart for that day indicates, with a Saturn/Uranus opposition, change will come. I also read an article about sunspot activity, how increased sunspots seem to correspond with times of increased rebellion. Personally, as someone who grew up in the humid hell of East Texas summers(which Molly Ivins once described as "Los Angeles with the climate of Calcutta") I can see how the sun gets us cranky - why do you think we celebrate our independence in July? Too hot to put up with it any longer!

As for sunspots, they do have a cyclical activity and a bit more research is certainly warranted. I read that we have been in a lull, which makes a kind of sense, given the way our rights have been stripped away while people just don't seem to have the energy to rise up and take a stand. That cycle is about to change, this year and the next should see a rise in sunspots and we will have to see if it increases other kinds of heat, for justice.

In the mean time, there are guys hammering on my roof today, installins solar panels. At least I am ready - here comes the sun!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey there, it's Angry Grrl, aka Laura from the Neal campaign. *waves*